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江西省 Jiangxi Province

Jiangxi Province has many natural landscapes and is ancient China's porcelain production centre. Within the province, there are 3 UNESCO World Heritage site, 5 site voted as the Most Beautiful Places in China and 3 Historical and Cultural Cities.

World Heritage Sites :
Most Beautiful Places :
Prefectures :


168km from Nanchang City
Travel Information:
2.5 hours from Nanchang City
UNESCO World Heritage site


The scenery and sea cloud that Lu Shan is famous for.

Immortal Cave

The temple cave is a key attraction in Lu Shan.


375km from Nanchang City
Travel Information:
3hours 20mins from Nanchang City
UNESCO World Heritage site
Most Beautiful Peak Forests in China


Granite landscape has interesting forms. Here is one in the shape of a Goddess.


Granite landscape has interesting forms. Here is one in the shape of a camel.


Frozen footpaths.

Longhu Shan

214km from Nanchang City
Travel Information:
2 hours 40mins from Nanchang City
UNESCO World Heritage site
Most Beautiful Danxias in China

Longhu Shan

Longhu Mountain is a Danxia landform with numerous mountains with a shadow river running through the valleys.

Longhu Shan

It was a fairly relaxing tour with rides on the river raft and a bit of walking around the Mountain.

Wuyuan Village

349km from Nanchang City
Travel Information:
5 hours from Nanchang City
Most Beautiful Villages in China

Wuyuan Village

Walkway between houses.

Xiaoqi Ancient Village

Farms behind the villagers' houses with local architectural style - Huipai design

Xiaoqi Ancient Village

Shop with cultural revolution slogans

Rainbow Bridge

800 years old bridge built during the Southern song Dynasty. The bridge is unique as it was designed with a roof and built entirely with wood.

Likeng Anicent Village

This village was built during the Northern Song period in 1010AD. The river runs through the village providing them with water for daily use, farming and means of transportation.

Nanchang City

1642km from Beijing City
Travel Information:
2 hours 10mins from Beijing City by air
Historical and Cultural City

Tenghuang Pavilion

Tenghuang Pavilion which was one of the 4 famous one in China built 1300 years ago. The pavilion has a grand exterior and it has a museum with models that shows how the exterior design has changed over the different dynasties.

Interior of pavilion

The Ming Dynasty founding Emperor had hosted a dinner here to celebrate a key battle victory during his conquest of the entire country.

Revolutionary Museum

The admission to the museum is free but the lesson learnt was you had to collect the tickets at designated hours and you have to be there early.

Revolutionary Museum

The museum about the 1st Aug 1937 uprising which also symbolize the formation of the present day People s Liberation Army. Part of the museum was an old hotel where the uprising leaders stayed and used as the command post.

Nanchang Baiyi Park

Nanchang West Railway Station

The raiway station opened in 2013.

Nanchang Changbei International Airport

The airport opened in 1999.

Nanchang Changbei International Airport Domestic Departure Terminal

Local products shop in domestic departure hall

Jiujiang City

176km from Nanchang City
Travel Information:
50mins from Nanchang City by high speed train

Changjiang Bridge

Changjiang bridge linking Jiangxi and Hubei.

Suojiang Pavilion

Soujianglou consisted of a pavilion and a pagoda. The pagoda was hit by Japanese artillery shelling in Jun1938. It was damaged and tilted but did not collapse. The tilted pagoda became the rallying symbol of the Chinese resistance to the Japanese invasion for the locals.

Xunyang Luo

Xunyang Pavilion was actually a 4 storey hotel built in the Tang Dynasty but made famous after being mentioned in the "Water Margin" story.

Interior of Xunyang Luo

The artwork on the wall is a scene in the hotel during the ancient times .

Jingdezhen City

248km from Nanchang City
Travel Information:
4.5 hours from Nanchang City
Historical and Cultural City

Ancient Porcelain Production Site

Site where the royal kilns were found.

Longzu Pavilion

Icon of Jingdezhen city built in the Tang Dynasty and now houses a museum on porcelains.


Kiln used for porcelain production.

Interior of Kiln

Porcelain pieces are placed in the wooden containers and stacked up in the kiln for the heating process.

Shangrao City

260km east of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
1 hour from Nanchang City by high speed train

Wuyuan winery

The local Wuyuan winery.

Ganzhou City

390km south of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
4 hours from Nanchang City by train

Ganzhou Ancient City Wall, Ganzhou City Zhanggong District

A major cultural heritage site under national-level protection.

Ganzhou Ancient City Wall, Ganzhou City Zhanggong District

A major cultural heritage site under national-level protection.

Bajing Pavilion

Military Gate Building

Yugu Pavilion

Guangdong Guild Hall, Ganzhou Yugu Pavilion Historical and Cultural Street

Jianchun Gate

Ganzhou Song Dynasty Ancient Floating Bridge Relic Site

Floating bridge across Gongshui River.

Local produce

Local produce sold on Gongshui River boats

Shouliang Ancient Temple

Zao'er Alley

A 227m alley dating back to Song Dynasty.

Zao'er Alley

A 227m alley dating back to Song Dynasty.

Ganzhou Confucius Temple, Ganzhou City

A major cultural heritage site under national-level protection.

Ganzhou Park 10th Anniversary of Liberation Monument

Clock Tower

Ganzhou Historical Building

This is a Republican Period protected old building at No 37 Liangwu Lane.

Fushou Drain Museum

The museum housed a section of the drainage system was built 900 years ago and still in use.

A major cultural heritage site under national-level protection.

Wei Family Mansion

Wei Family Mansion

Wudao Temple Historical and Cultural Block

Ganzhou West Railway Station, Ganzhou City Nankang District

The railway station opened in 2019.

Cradle of Republic Scenic Area, Yeping Village, Ruijin City

The Chinese Soviet Republic was established in Ruijin on 7 november 1931 giving the leaders experiene in mamaging part, military and state. The cradle of Republic scenic area covers Yeping, Red well, 2nd Congresses of the Chinese Soviet Republic and Chinese Soviet Memorial Park. 9 state founders, 8 Senior generals, 35 generals, 114 lieutenant generals and 440 major generals were among those who have lived and worke here.

Cradle of Republic Scenic Area, Yeping Village, Ruijin City

Cradle of Republic Scenic Area Former Residence of Chairman Mao, Yeping Village, Ruijin City

Chairman Mao lived here from 1931 to 1933. He used to read books and newspapers under the tree.

Cradle of Republic Scenic Area Former Site of Central Printing House of CSR, Yeping Village, Ruijin City

It was founded in August 1931 to print slogans, leafets, documents and materials for the central government.

Cradle of Republic Scenic Area General Treasury, Yeping Village, Ruijin City

The General Treasury was founded in 1933 by the Central Finance Department. It was responsible for the cash reciept, payment and custody.

Red Well Scenic Spot, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

The Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic moved here from Yeping in April 1933. It became the 2nd settlement for the government leaders including Chairman Mao. In July 1934, they moved from here to Yunshi Mountian in Ruijin.

Red Well Scenic Spot Former Residence of Chairman Mao, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Chairman Mao lived and worked here from April 1933 to July 1934.

Red Well Scenic Spot Former Residence of Chairman Mao , Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Chairman Mao frequently read under the tree outside his residence.

Red Well Scenic Spot Former Residence of Chairman Mao , Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Red Well Scenic Spot Lenin Primary School, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Schools were setup within the Soviet to provide 5 years of education.

Red Well Scenic Spot Red Well, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Chairman Mao led a team to dug this well in September 1933.

Red Well Scenic Spot Former Site of Central Internal Affairs People's Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

The committee was setup in Novemnber 1931 to provide stable soical security for the social undertaking in the Soviet area.

Red Well Scenic Spot Former Site of the High Court, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Red Well Scenic Spot Former Site of Audit Committee, Shazhouba Village, Ruijin City

Ruijin Railway Station

The railway station opened in 2005.

Yingtan City

161km east of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
41 minutes from Nanchang City by high speed train

Yingtan Railway Station

Yingtan Railway Station

The railway station opened in 1936.

Pingxiang City

161km east of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
41 minutes from Nanchang City by high speed train

Autumn Harvest Uprising Monument

Autumn Harvest Uprising took place on 9 Sept 1927. It was the second uprising after the Nanchang Uprising. Together with the Guangzhou Uprising, they were the three key uprisings.

Site of Military Conference Autumn Harvest Uprising

Chairman Mao held the meeting for the uprising at this site.

Site of the First Continuation School for Anyuan Rails and Mine Workers

Site of Anyuan Rails and Mine Workers' Club

Memorial Museum of Anyuan Mine Workers' Labour Movement

Anyuan Rail and Mine Workers' Campaign Museum

Anyuan Coal Mine

Anyuan Coal Mine

Anyuan Coal Mine Former Residence of Chairman Mao

Anyuan Coal Mine Zongping Tunnel

Chairman Mao was met mine workers here in the fall of 1921 to investigate the hardship of the miners. He was back in 1930 with the First Red Army and went down the coal mine well to meet the miners. The 14 September 1922 Anyaun Rail and Mine worer strike started here

A National Historical and Cultural Site.

Anyuan Coal Mine Negotiation Site during the Anyuan Rails and Mine Workers strike

The second stoey of this building is the negotiation site during the September 1922 Anyuan Rails and Mine Workers strike. The workers were represented by Liu Shaoqi.

A National Historical and Cultural Site.

Anyuan Coal Mine Former Residence for German Engineers

Pingxiang Movie Studio

Pingxiang North Railway Station

The railway station opened in 2014.

Yichun City

161km east of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
41 minutes from Nanchang City by high speed train

Yuanzhou Jiao Tower

A National Historical and Cultural Site.

Yichun Shopping Street

Yichun Old Buildings around city centre

Yichun Old Buildings around city centre

Yichun Railway Station

The railway station opened in 2014.

Ji'an City

219km south of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
1 hour 1o minutes from Nanchang City by high speed train

Bailuzhou Academy

The Academy is one of the four famous ancient academy in Jiangxi. It was founded during the Southern Song Dynasty.

A major cultural heritage site under national-level protection.

Bailuzhou Academy Fengyue Tower

Fengyue Tower.

Bell and Drum Tower

Part of the properties under Bailuzhou Academy as a major cultural heritage site under national-level protection.

Jiang Shideng Pagoda, Water Alley Historical and Cultural Block

Ancient Well, Water Alley Historical and Cultural Block

Ji'an West Railway Station

The railway station opened in 2019.

Xinyu City

150km west of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
40 minutes from Nanchang City by high speed train

Xinyu Confucius Temple

Xinyu Pavilion

Xinyu Ancient Wall

Xinyu Railway Station

Xinyu North Railway Station

Fuzhou City

90 km south of Nanchang City
Travel Information:
55 minutes from Nanchang City by high speed train

Zhengjue Temple


Wenchangli Historical and Cultural block

This historical and cultural block has 13 streets and over 50 buildings from Ming and Qing Dynasty period .

Wenchangli Historical and Cultural block

This historical and cultural block has 13 streets and over 50 buildings from Ming and Qing Dynasty period .

Wenchangli Historical and Cultural block

This historical and cultural block has 13 streets and over 50 buildings from Ming and Qing Dynasty period .

St. Joseph's Cathedral

The cathedral was first built in 1908.

Fuzhou Railway Station

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